Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Cutting it short..

Moving back to the U.S.

I moved to Moscow with the intention of living here for a couple of years. Learning the language, finding a decent job in Public Health and starting a life with V.
And I am not sorry at all that I am giving it up and moving back to the U.S. (although I still plan on doing listed things in the US....)

I bought my ticket last night! My last ticket (for a long while) between Moscow and the U.S.
It's bittersweet, but I feel relieved with the plans.

I'm not sure what to do with the blog. I'll probably do 2 or 3 more updates before I leave. And 1 after a week or so to recollect and sum up my thoughts. Maybe a few months after I will delete it.
I hope that people traveling to Moscow find this blog and get some use out of it, but I don't think many do. So once my friends/family have read it, I will toss it.

For now, I will share some random photos I have taken around Moscow.

Metro train turned art gallery:


Amateur football games in the sleeper cities:


Interesting stuff in the sleeper city:

Local outdoor market Autumn celebration concert:
^where I buy my produce every weekend

At our metro:

I love walking through the city and stumbling upon beautiful buildings:

French Embassy:



beth said...

oh no! or is it congratulations? how do you feel? i was thinking about you last night, so this is interestingly timed news. <3 good luck dollface.

Quintessential_Laura said...

Yea!!! Glad you are coming back! Is Vasili coming with you or waiting until after the holidays? I will be in California when you get back but will be in NC for Christmas and afterwards. Let me know when you will be in town and I'll drop everything to see you. I love the pictures and am glad you are still continuing to explore and experience Moscow.